Congratulations to our apprentices who completed their Exothermic Welding Training. A special thank you to…
Candidate for Accreditation
York Electrical Institute has been recognized by the PA Department of Labor since June 29, 1951. On February 17, 2019, York Electrical Institute was accepted as a candidate for accreditation by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education (COE). The COE is a national accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. We are voluntarily undergoing the accreditation process as confirmation that our education programs operate at a college level.
The accreditation process is extremely thorough and evaluates all aspects of an institution’s operations. We are proud to have been accepted into candidate status and strive to achieve full accreditation in the next year. Our students must not only perform at high levels on the job, but also academically. It will no longer be a question of Apprenticeship OR College. It will be recognition that Apprenticeship IS College, but with on-the-job paid experience and no student loan debt.
Recognition as an accredited college by the Department of Education and as a registered apprenticeship by the Department of Labor will offer our graduates the best of both worlds. For this reason, we are excited to be pursuing this path and progressing toward our vision of every graduate walking away with a journeyperson certificate and an Associate’s Degree. We are at the beginning of the process and have a long way to go. But with the support of our board, our members, our faculty, and our students, we are confident in our ability to achieve this vision.

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