Essential Skills for Employment Presentation
Program Director Scott Brenneman will be giving a presentation on "Essential Skills for Employment" at the Community REACH Education Center.
Program Director Scott Brenneman will be giving a presentation on "Essential Skills for Employment" at the Community REACH Education Center.
Junior Achievement STEM Summit. Volunteers Needed. Anyone available to help can contact Scott at the Training Center.
Junior Achievement STEM Summit. Volunteers Needed. Anyone available to help can contact Scott at the Training Center.
Junior Achievement STEM Summit. Volunteers Needed. Anyone available to help can contact Scott at the Training Center.
Junior Achievement STEM Summit. Volunteers Needed. Anyone wishing to help can contact Scott at the Training Center.
Junior Achievement STEM Summit. Volunteers Needed. Anyone wishing to help can contact Scott at the Training Center.
Junior Achievement STEM Summit. Volunteers Needed. Anyone wishing to help can contact Scott at the Training Center.
Junior Achievement STEM Summit. Volunteers Needed. Anyone available to help can contact Scott at the Training Center.
Junior Achievement STEM Summit. Volunteers Needed. Please Contact Scott at the Training Center if you are available to help.
Junior Achievement STEM Summit. Apprentices and Journeyworkers wishing to volunteer, please contact Scott at the Training Center. We are always seeking volunteers for these events. We would appreciate your participation.